October 18 - Community Update

Fight For Farmland Calls Out EDC

Significant media attention continued this week including more front-page news coverage as the Fight For Farmland group called out misinformation and truly misleading statements from Tony LaMantia and the Waterloo Region Economic Development Corporation.  

Be sure to tune into the Mike Farwell Show on 570 News at 9:30am today, Friday morning as our spokesperson Alfred Lowrick will be on the show to talk about the Wilmot Land Assembly


It was also great to see the NDP speaking up against the Wilmot Land Assembly and demanding that the provincial government end this absurd mega-industrial scheme:

Here’s some of the recent media coverage:

In the Media

Luisa D’Amato from the Waterloo Region Record wrote an article highlighting concerns from Eva Wagler of St Jacobs Foods and how this land assembly will affect farm more farms than just the ones operating on the proposed site.

The article highlights the concerns of Eva Wagler, a farmer near New Hamburg, whose cabbage farm is at risk due to a proposed 770-acre industrial development in Wilmot Township. Wagler and her husband run St. Jacobs Foods, producing sauerkraut and sour head cabbage, which are sold across Canada. Their farm, which uses local streams for irrigation, is just across the road from the land targeted for industrial use by the Region of Waterloo. Wagler fears industrial contamination could jeopardize her water supply, threatening her business. She also worries that her land might eventually be forcibly acquired if the development expands, as happened near St. Thomas. The industrial park has no confirmed corporate clients, but officials argue it's necessary for job creation, despite farmer and environmentalist opposition to developing prime farmland.

Additional Media Coverage and Letters To The Editor…

It was also great to see the NDP speaking up against the Wilmot Land Assembly and demanding that the provincial government end this absurd mega-industrial scheme:

Here’s some of the recent media coverage:

Upcoming Events

Wilmot Township Council Meeting: Monday, October 21st, 2024 @ 7:00pm

We hope there will at least be a General Interest delegation or two on the Wilmot Land Assembly at Monday’s Wilmot Council meeting.  Please register to speak with the Wilmot Clerk at clerks@wilmot.ca if you can speak about your concerns with the proposal and how it will impact you and your family.  We will take a break from protesting at Wilmot Council this month but hope that you can join us in rallying/protesting at the Region on Wednesday.

Region of Waterloo Council Meeting: Wednesday, October 23rd, 2024 @ 6:30 PM

Mark your calendars and join us to keep the pressure on Regional Councillors and Mayors regarding the proposed industrial mega-site. We will protest/rally in front of Regional Headquarters at 6:30pm and then head inside to Council Chambers at 7:00pm.  Key issues on the agenda include presentations from concerned community youth, a discussion on the validity of the Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA), and, hopefully, further discussion on the Corn Crop Destruction Report.

Confirmed delegations include:

  • Dalinda Reese, Waterloo: Speaking on the critical need to protect the Wilmot/Waterloo aquifer.

  • Ian McLean, Greater Kitchener Waterloo Chamber of Commerce: Likely to echo Tony LaMantia’s recent public support for the Wilmot Township Land Assembly.

If you're interested in delegating, please contact us at wilmotlandowners@gmail.com. Let’s make our voices heard!


Rebels With A Cause – How a battle over land changed the landscape forever- A DOCUMENTARY by NANCY KELLY and KENJI YAMAMOTO

Will be playing at at the Princess Twin Cinema on October 28th from 7-9pm. This is a free film night to learn about and discuss the proposed industrial development of Wilmot Township and explore what it would mean for the future of the Waterloo Region.


Federal Government Denies Any Involvement In Wilmot Land Assembly

Local Liberal Member of Parliament Tim Louis released a flyer and a video making support for agriculture, the need for farmland protection and the lack of any federal involvement in the Wilmot Land Assembly very clear.  In fact, Tim Louis states that unlike municipal, regional, and provincial elected officials, he is under no Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) and is able to talk freely about things - but that he doesn’t know anything more than the community knows.


Let's keep the momentum going—stay loud, keep speaking up, put up more lawn signs, pack council chambers and make it clear that we are an unwilling host. Together, we’ll continue to stand strong for our farmland and our community.


October 25 - Community Update


October 9 - Community Update