April 24th Waterloo Region Council Meeting 

We aimed to have several delegations share their stories and advocate for concerned citizens of Wilmot at the recent Region of Waterloo Council meeting. Despite our initial attempt to delegate in advance, our efforts were rebuffed. Nonetheless, a group of 14 of us attended the meeting to demonstrate our concern. Fortunately, student delegates addressing a different issue showed solidarity by advocating for our right to speak, leading to a motion by Mayor Salonen allowing Adam to make a presentation. Adam and Arjo van Bergeijk delivered a sincere presentation during the meeting.

Watch the meeting - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0CtHFLFkwwA – starting at the 2:46 mark.

Press Release

In the week prior, representatives from the Fight For Farmland Group met with Mayor Salonen to inquire whether Wilmot council considered themselves "willing hosts" in light of Premier Ford’s statement. Mayor Salonen conveyed that the township could neither confirm nor deny their status as willing hosts. Subsequently, we issued a press release reinforcing that we are unwilling and urging the Township to prioritize transparency.

 Read the press release

 Political Meeting Outcomes 

Updates from meetings with Ontario's Liberal, NDP, and Green parties this weekend:

Liberal Party: Ontario Liberal Leader Bonnie Crombie is very concerned and plans to visit Wilmot after the May 2nd by-elections to offer assistance.

 NDP Party: NDP Leader Marit Stiles is committed to continuing to raise concerns about Wilmot in the Legislature. Waterloo NDP MPP Catherine Fife remains strongly supportive and outspoken.

 Green Party: Aislinn Clancy and Green Party Leader Mike Schreiner are actively addressing the Wilmot situation with results of their recent Legislative motions expected in about two months.


Lawn Sign Update 

Another batch of 400 lawn signs is arriving mid-week to replenish our stocks at our Sign Captain locations. We've already placed over 1,100 signs across the region. Thank you to everyone showing their support! Keep an eye out for more large signs and banners in Wilmot Township. Your continued support showing that we are unwilling is really important.  Please continue to help get signs up across all of Waterloo Region.


Market Volunteers & Door-to-Door Canvassing

Due to inclement weather, our volunteers took a break this weekend. We plan to resume efforts next weekend with a door-to-door initiative to gather signatures, raise awareness, and distribute signs to show that our communities are unwilling.


Mixed Messages in the Media

This week, Honda made a significant announcement about establishing an EV supply chain in Ontario, with a total investment of $15 billion, including $5 billion in subsidies from the Federal and Provincial governments. However, Wilmot Township has been excluded as a prospective EV battery site for Honda due to water supply constraints, as reported.

Ontario Minister of Economic Investment, Vic Fedeli, initially stated to the Record that he was not aware of any prospects for Wilmot. However, a day later, as reported by CTV News Kitchener, he mentioned that since the discussions became public, there have been approximately ten prospects discovered by the Region, Municipality, or the township from inquiries made by interested parties regarding potential sites. These discrepancies are showing firsthand how poorly planned and uncoordinated this land assembly is.  

We need a better plan for our future than this absurd location for a mega-industrial site so far from the necessary infrastructure, transportation networks, and urban populations.  We can’t be destroying agriculture - our #1 industry and economic driver in Wilmot, hoping to eventually attract some sort of other industry that might provide some jobs at tremendous cost.  We need both a strong agricultural industry in Wilmot and other industry flourishing throughout Kitchener, Cambridge and other parts of the region where this sort of large-scale industrial development has always been anticipated and planned.

OFA Press Release: https://ofa.on.ca/newsroom/farmers-disappointed-at-lack-of-consultation-transparency-on-assembly-of-prime-farmland-in-wilmot-township/

Alfred Lowrick on behalf of the Fight for Farmland Group on the Mike Farwell Show: https://kitchener.citynews.ca/2024/04/25/thursday-april-25th-2024/

Wilmot Farmers May Lose Land - CTV News: https://kitchener.ctvnews.ca/video/c2911099-wilmot-township-farmers-may-lose-land 

Wilmot Township site deemed unsuitable for EV battery plant: https://www.therecord.com/news/waterloo-region/wilmot-township-deemed-not-suitable-for-ev-battery-plant/article_e31078b5-9b93-5c3a-80b2-4f16b94c505f.html 

Let’s Stay Strong and Keep Showing We Are Unwilling!

Let's remain united and keep up the persistent efforts. We must demand transparency from our councils and keep showing them that not only are we are unwilling but other superior solutions exist with far less negative impacts.

We’re here for you!

Have a question or concern? email us at wilmotlandowners@gmail.com

Thank you for your continued support. We look forward to making further progress and keeping you updated on our efforts. 

Best regards,

Jacqueline Snyder

On behalf of the Fight For Farmland Group

Recent News Continued…

CTV News - 10 Companies interested in Wilmot land: https://kitchener.ctvnews.ca/about-10-companies-interested-in-wilmot-land-says-minister-of-economic-investment-1.6863603 

Farmtario - Wilmot Land Expropriation Questioned: https://farmtario.com/news/wilmot-land-expropriation-questioned/

City News - Wilmot Farmers On Edge Over Plans For Two EV Battery Facilities: https://kitchener.citynews.ca/2024/04/25/wilmot-farmers-on-edge-over-plans-for-two-ev-battery-facilities-but-neither-will-be-built-there/

The Record - Letter to the Editor: https://www.therecord.com/opinion/letters-to-the-editor/april-23-wilmot-farmers-deserve-better-regional-government-must-listen-to-citizens-and-other-letters/article_787d5d23-710c-501a-b53f-6ee2ea04a3ff.html


